Thursday, February 08, 2007

Wicket BPM Update

I got the sourceforge project running...

I'm going to try to add info on the project to the forum page for now. I have absolutely no time for documentation right now. I'm involved in about 20 different things.

I did go back and start writing tests for the code. See my previous blog post. I recently spent a day with a shop that actually does unit testing 100% of the time, and I got to see how it actually works in a real system. I've been an arrogant fool, what with all of my untested code. I was wrong.

Back to my big JSF/Facelets project till, probably, sometime next week. Then back to Wicket land.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I am surprised that nobody has posted a response to your entry. I do wonder whether the businesses rather like paying the big boys for BPM rather than working on a client for jBPM. I would like to see it similar to an email client, where tasks arrive, can be forwarded (to a constrained list if needed), or completed. The 'message' or an 'attachment' to the task is where you would send the XML fields if content is required from the task. These get rendered in the client for the completion of the task. How validation would work would need to be sorted but should be doable. If you would like to comment/discuss further luke dot mclean at nzfsa dot govt dot nz Thanks for your post!

Kevin Galligan said...

This project has been on hold for quite a while. There's something similar brewing, but its changed quite a bit. Long story. Updates soon...

Anonymous said...

I downloaded the jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.2 and dropped in the wicketbpm.war to have a look. I browse to http://localhost:8080/jbpm and a page is rendered which gives me four seasame street characters to login as. I thought that I'd have to browse to http://localhost:8080/wicketbpm to see your stuff however get empty directory listing. OK must be doing something wrong (or missed a step). Any pointers? Very interested in getting my development team in behind a decent jbpm client project.

Anonymous said...

Hello again, when you say 'soon' could you give an indication please? I have three developers working with the Liferay portal and they are poised to commence work on a better jbpm client than the default. I would appreciate knowing whether to divert their efforts for a few days or whether to dive in now? Thanks.